I had to smile when I got in from my weekly singing evening just now and logged on here to learn that another blogger, Avila from Weeble's Wondering has been enjoying themselves Doh, re, mi ing. A couple of years ago I wrote about starting singing classes and the huge boost it's given to my self-esteem and confidence. Even though I sang in the school choir for years and often join in churchy stuff on high days and holidays, it's only when mid-life crisis struck that I finally plucked up the courage to begin singing in a smaller group and then on my own. Tonight we warbled our way through 'You'll Never Walk Alone, ' ' You to Me Are Everything,' 'To Make You Feel My Love,' and 'All that Jazz!' Such fun! So, I'll never win prizes but so what! I don't care. I'll just keep on sinni, I mean...singing!
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