Let's put it another way - we had no idea what this 'entailed'.
"We will now 'paws' for the blessing."
Well, we all have to be silly once in our lives and last Sunday afternoon was just that. I may be a 'bona fido' Franciscan tertiary - but until now I simply couldn't pluck up the courage to drag the resident Greenpatch pooch up the hill for the annual pet blessing service. He's not exactly the best-behaved canine on the block - and my over- fertile imagination kept conjuring up nightmare scenarios of him chasing hamsters, traumatising cats, leaving 'little parcels' on the floor and flattening the vicar. Resulting in our ignominious banning from the church - or even all the C Of E churches in town. I wonder if they operate a similar'Churchwatch' system to the local pubs: "Out of one, out of all?!"
So, why did I decide to finally plumb depths of Anglican liturgy best left unplumbed IMHO? Strength in numbers, I guess. I persuaded a friend to come along with her hairy horror. Double trouble!
Did we enjoy it? Yes...in a funny kind of way. Our worries about assorted cats, mice and other furries were groundless. This was strictly a dog gig. To be more accurate - about 20 dogs, of all shapes and sizes. And it went pretty well, considering. No pandemonium incarnate, no puddles... No bloodshed. True at times I was taken back years to when the children were small; sitting there trying to mouth 'For the Beauty of The Earth' and 'Morning has broken' whilst keeping an inquisitive, wriggly Fido with the attention span of a gnat from misbehaving, fidgeting, and generally 'showing us up' was a salutary reminder of what life used to be like every time I went to church. At the point when we were asked to hold and pray for our pets, I was bent down busily trying to remove congealed bits of half-eaten doggie treats from under the pew and untangle the lead from round us both.
And surprise, surprise. When the time came to take our furry friends up for a blessing, they all behaved pretty well. OK, so GP Dog doesn't exactly smell of ashes of roses - could do with a haircut and was a right fidget, but a doggie treat suspended just in his line of vision worked wonders!
I'm glad we went. And I'm sure our canine companions enjoyed themselves. Best of all - GP Dog was so worn out from all the walking up and down the hill that he slept like a lamb once we got home. I think Francis would have approved.