From my project diary:
Spent half the morning raking through the study bookshelves to find the elusive, missing diary and accompanying food receipts. As ever, the search was totally unnecessary. Turned out I’d filed it ‘in a safe place’ i.e. Neatly in a document file next to the CPU! Never mind – at least the place looks tidy now
Raking through I managed to locate most of the online shopping lists from the last few months and can put together a fairly accurate picture of the family’s spending on food since we started ‘experimenting’ back in February. And I did jot down quite a few thoughts in the diary, way back before I lost the wretched thing! However, in the interests of accuracy and to give a fair picture (6 weeks does overlap with the Lent ‘No New Shoes’ project – hence not an entirely authentic pic of our consumer habits then) I think we’d better count today as Day Number one with a capital ‘D.’ Mr GP and I have made a date to go out to Christmas Farm (organic free-range place) on Thursday) – something we’ve kept putting off; he's been away and I don’t drive. Ditto visits to the Thursday/Sat markets in town. I have a ch group on Thurs morning, singing in the afternoon, often, like to linger for coffee after ch on Sun when the monthly Farmers Market takes place, Mr GP goes on his club cycle then….the list of excuses is endless! Priorities – that’s the thing!
Although to be perfectly honest, I absolutely loathe shopping on a Sunday. Without entering into long arguments re Sunday trading, it just doesn’t feel right to me. It’s as if the weekday lists of chores is following me even into the Sabbath.
The project has also changed since we started out. The initial idea of cutting down on unnecessary packaging has sort of fallen by the wayside – thanks in no great way to the lack of kerbside recycling facilities. Will the newly elected Con council keep their promises re this one? Unfortunately – their pet project, the moving of the town dump isn’t exactly going to do wonders for the local environment. All it will do is bring the pong nearer the residential areas of town, incl the local college, increase traffic as we all queue up (if we queue up!) for their limited recycling bank, and as for landfill…don’t ask!
And from several months experimenting with the various big supermarkets – can safely say that though they might well be jumping on the green/organic/fair-trade bandwagon to a fair extent, it certainly hasn’t diminished the packaging output – and if the local recycling facilities haven’t kept up (as ours haven’t) it sort of defeats the object.
We’ll do what we can – given the limitations. Mr GP resurrected our compost heap at the weekend, (it yielded a rich mixture of doubtful vintage *– i.e. some of it dating back to the previous owners of the house!) and I’ve started to divert some of the more compostable packaging out there. We’ve always recycled paper, cans, glass and textiles.
However, after due consultation with the other half – it's decided that the changes we’re proposing to make – and which we’ve in a fair way already started – will be in the area of food shopping – working on the Christian Ecology Link’s L.O.A.F. principles. That is, trying as much as possible, to buy only that that is Locally produced, Organic, Animal friendly/cruelty free and Fairly traded.
* Given that Pentecost is almost upon us, I shall refrain from making crude jokes about the wind blowing where it wills, and all that...not. Readers of a sensitive disposition will also be relieved to learn that the Greenpatch compost heap is located well away from our super-duper Lean Green Dog Latrine!