With Francistide and review of my TSSF Rule of Life still fresh in my mind, here's some advice on the process applicable to anybody looking to live life more intentionally and holistically:
A rule is a document embodying the values which are central to your life, and the praxis which allows you to live this out with genuine integrity.
- Hermit Sr Laurel from notes from stillsong.
Developing a Rule of Life 13 Tips - from soulgardeners
Balancing Life by The Rule by Debra Farrington
I came across a wonderful piece of advice yesterday - that rule of life should not be a list of 'to do (s)' but of 'to be (s).'
Words, words, words...Over on the Franciscan Support Thread on Shipoffools posters are asking - Is it possible to make a rule of life without using them ? It's been suggested for the TSSF Principles in the past. Could you sign it? Paint, sing or dance it? Any other medium? Suggestions please...
For Franciscans I"d have thought creative ways like these would be spot on, given their sprituality and the famous "Preach the gospel. If necessary, use words," saying popularly attributed to our founder.
Granted we might have problems at annual renewal presenting them all at the altar - still I'm sure there are ways and means of getting over that one!